
Accessibility legislation

People with disabilities face many obstacles. With our accessibility range, we want to remove those obstacles.  Public buildings, squares and streets should be easily accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. Only then can we have a truly inclusive society in which every person can participate fully.

guidance lines on floor

Some time ago, policymakers set out certain guidelines. Today, it’s the building developers and architects of public projects that are responsible for interpreting and implementing these guidelines. When submitting a request for an urban planning permit, they must adhere to regional accessibility legislation.

On the website www.toegankelijkgebouw.be, a project by the Belgian Domestic Governance Agency – Equal Opportunities and Inter – Private Foundation for an Accessible Flanders, you can find not only links to specific legislation per region, but also lots of useful information such as lexicon, frequently asked questions, a checklist, a vision for Universal Design (design for all) and example files etc.

An overview of the legislation per region:

Flemish Region

Walloon Region

Brussels-Capital Region

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