
Contact form

View our contact details here.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.

Sensotec NV, Vlamingveld 8, B-8490 Jabbeke will handle your data in accordance with the AVG Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. Sensotec may use this data for the purposes of promoting its products and services, including the products and services of its branches. This data will never be shared with third parties. Read our Privacy Regulations.

You have the right to access the data that relates to you and, where appropriate, you can request a rectification or deletion of your data by sending a written request to Sensotec NV, Vlamingveld 8, B-8490 Jabbeke or info@sensotec.be.

Sensotec Belgium

Sensotec nv/sa
Vlamingveld 8
8490 Jabbeke
T +32 50 39 49 49
F +32 50 39 49 46
VAT BE 0429 286 663
Sensotec Antwerp
Markgravelei 81
2018 Antwerp
T +32 3 828 80 15
Sensotec Jambes
Rue de la Croix Rouge 39
5100 Namen (Jambes)
T +32 81 71 34 60
F +32 81 71 34 69


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