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Sensotec nv has compiled the information on this website to the best of its knowledge. The information on this website is solely intended to introduce Sensotec nv and its products and services. This does not imply any guarantee or statement, neither explicitly nor tacitly, regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information on this website. You should take into account that there is a possibility that this information is no longer up-to-date. We therefore recommend that you check all information obtained on this website before using it in any form. The advice given on this website does not relieve you of the obligation to verify this advice yourself – especially with regard to our manuals, safety data sheets and technical specifications – including our products and the extent to which they are suitable for an application. If you need advice regarding our products or services, please contact us. Neither Sensotec nv nor the third parties involved in the production or the transmission of this website are liable for damage or loss arising from the access or the inability to access this website, from the use or inability to use this website or from the fact that you have relied on information provided on this website.

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